Mark announcements as unread

For testing purposes, you can now mark announcements as unread.

Go to the announcements' Analytics tab, then find the user in the list under Users that saw this announcement, and finally click Mark as unread in the three-dot menu.

This way you can, for example, see a popout announcement again.

Show launchers while flows are active

Until now, launchers were always hidden while a flow was active.

We've added a new setting in the launcher builder: Show launcher while flows are active

If you enable this setting, the launcher will keep showing even while a flow is active.

Highlighting of Staging environments

To make it easy to tell when you're in a Staging environment in Userflow, we now mark the UI with a yellow top border and the name of the environment. This is shown in places where data/analytics is related to just that environment.

By default your Production environment is not highlighted, and all other environments are highlighted.

You can change which environments should be highlighted under Settings -> Environments.

Control button alignment directly in the builder

We’ve now made it possible to change the alignment of buttons directly in the builder.

Simply select a button, then use the new Button alignment tool in the toolbar:


We’ve also added a few new alignment options, in addition to the existing Left, Center and Right: Space between, Space evenly, Space around.

Announcements: A straightforward way to keep users informed

In our latest update, we’re excited to unveil a feature that’s been high on your wishlist: Userflow Announcements.

At Userflow, our mission is to enhance user communication and engagement. With the introduction of Announcements, we’re taking a significant step forward in this journey.

Announcements offers a straightforward and effective method for sharing updates directly within your app’s resource center. Picture it as a modern, digital bulletin board where you can effortlessly display information about new features, improvements, or any other news that matters to your users.


Key features

  • Notification badge: An unread counter, displayed directly on your resource center launcher, indicating if there are unread announcements.
  • Notification levels: Choose how to notify users: silently, with a notifiation badge, or with a popout.
  • Scheduling: Post announcements immediately or schedule them for later.
  • User segmentation: Send announcements to specific user segments.
  • Automatic tracking: Know which users have seen your announcements.

How to use Announcements

You can start using Announcements in just a few clicks. Publish your announcements, and add the new Announcements block to your resource center.

Read more in our Announcements guide


We’ve got something new for you: Banners! Straightforward and effective, these are designed to help you communicate better within your app.

TinyTime banner

What are Banners for?

Simply put, banners are a direct line to your users. Want to share a quick update, a maintenance notice, or highlight a feature? Use a banner.

Features at a glance

  1. Selective display: Show banners to specific users or on selected pages. It’s all about sending the right message to the right people at the right time.
  2. Placement choices: Add banners at the top, bottom, or embedded within container elements in your app. Wherever it fits best, to get that native feeling.
  3. Customize appearance: Make sure the banner fits your app’s look. Adjust layout, size, and colors.
  4. Call-to-action buttons: Link to an app page, open a blog post in a new tab, start a flow, and more.

How to use banners

Head to the new Banners menu item in Userflow, set it up as you want, then hit Publish. That’s it.

Read more in our Banners guide

We want to hear from you

Give banners a go and tell us what you think. Your feedback helps us make better tools.

Here’s to even better in-app communication.

Cheers, The Userflow Team

Alerting: Monitor performance and catch errors early

Our new Alerting feature helps you keep a close watch on the performance of your content. It notifies you, for instance, if a flow’s views fall below a set limit within a certain timeframe or if its completion rate drops.

This is especially valuable if an unintended change occurs in your Userflow.js configuration or there’s a significant alteration in your app’s elements.

You define custom alert policies, monitoring selected metrics and thresholds:

Edit alert policy dialog

When an alert is triggered, your team is immediately notified via email:

Alert email

Read more in the Alerting guide

Tooltip targets not found reporting

The Step funnel (found on the Analytics tab for flows) now displays how often a tooltip step’s target element could not be found in your app.

This is helpful to debug the performance of a flow and spot issues. If a tooltip target can’t be found, it’s typically either because the user simply navigated away (and the flow was correctly auto-dismissed), or because there’s a problem with your flow, e.g. caused by a change in your app, which you can fix by reselecting the element in the builder.

See the right-most column here:

Step funnel

You can click the percentage number to see all the users it happened for, including which URL they were on:

Tooltip targets not found dialog

Salesforce AI Assistant source

The assistant can now load your Salesforce Knowledge Base articles directly via the Salesforce API. It works even if your Knowledge Base requires user authentication. You can easily filter which categories you want to include.

See this guide for setup instructions

LogRocket Integration

We are excited to announce our Userflow-LogRocket Integration, which makes it easier to analyze and improve your onboarding.

LogRocket is a session replay, error tracking, and product analytics tool.

LogRocket session

Our new Userflow-LogRocket integration enables you to see Userflow content such as flows, checklist and resource center in LogRocket’s session replay view. Without this integration, Userflow’s content appears as striped-out rectangles. So by adding it you can easier analyze and improve your onboarding.

Read more in the documentation